Exposing Narcissists

selective focus photography of man's reflection on a broken mirror
selective focus photography of man's reflection on a broken mirror


  • Exaggerated sense of self-importance

Narcissists believe that they are special and unique, deserving special treatment and admiration from others.

  • Lack empathy

They aren't concerned about other people's feelings, which leads to insensitive or hurtful behavior.

  • Need for admiration & validation

Narcissists crave attention and validation from others, seeking constant praise and approval.

  • Sense of entitlement

They may believe they are entitled to special privileges or treatment without regard for others' rights or feelings or boundaries.

  • Always trying to be in control or have power over others

Various manipulation tactics are used to influence and sometimes force other people to submit to the narcissist, giving them their narcissistic supply.


  • Manipulative tendencies

Narcissists use manipulation tactics to control or influence others to serve their own agenda.

  • Gaslighting

They distort reality or deny their own behaviors to make you doubt your own perceptions and sanity.

  • Lack accountability

Narcissists often refuse to take responsibility for their actions, won't admit when they are wrong, and claim that what they did wrong was someone else's fault.

  • Intense reactions to criticism

They react defensively or aggressively when confronted with any kind of feedback or criticism, unable to handle any perceived threats to their self-image.

  • Love bombing

When a narcissist is trying to get a new source for narcissistic supply, they use excessive amounts of attention, compliments, and affection in order to form an intense emotional bond quickly, enabling the narcissist to be the one in control.

The reality is -- narcissists walk among us. There are narcissists at home, at school, at work, at church, in the government, in the spotlight, behind the scenes, in corporations, in small businesses, in law enforcement, in prisons and jails, in the courtroom, on the road, living next door, playing sports. Narcissists are everywhere. Most of the time, in the activities of daily life, narcissists have little or no effect on each and every one of us. The guy standing next to you while you're waiting for your coffee at Starbucks could be a narcissist, but his narcissistic behaviors aren't going to affect you because he's just a guy in Starbucks. But when a narcissist is big part of your life on a daily basis (like at work), or if you have any type of emotional connection to them, these people can be dangerous. I am speaking from personal experience. All it takes is one narcissist to destroy your life. Don't let that happen.

You can find more detailed information by clicking "Articles" on the menu at the top of the page to see a list of articles on some of the specific aspects of narcissism and narcissistic behaviors. Articles are always being added, so please come back often.

The goal of this website is straight-forward: to expose narcissists. Sharing information about how narcissists behave, how they think, what they say, how they use manipulation tactics to control people, and why they do it, is one of the best ways to expose narcissists so that fewer people will be victimized by their destructive and hurtful behavior. Narcissists are able to do what they do because so many people just don't know what is happening until it is too late, and then recovering from the effects of narcissistic abuse is a long, painful process. Knowing what narcissism is and being able to recognize it when you come face to face with it is crucial in order to be able to protect yourself and avoid being hurt, sometimes destroyed, by these toxic people.

This website is a starting point. You'll find specific information about narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and various terms that are used when we talk about narcissists. There are articles for you to read about dealing with narcissists as well as links to books and other resources to help you heal and recover from narcissistic abuse. Hopefully, you'll find the information you need here, wherever you may be in your experience with the narcissist(s) in your life.

Since you are here, reading this, you're probably experiencing something that just doesn't feel right. Most likely it's a specific relationship that has you feeling like you're going crazy and maybe even doubting yourself and just feeling an overall sense of negativity because you don't understand what's happening. You probably can't figure out why a certain person in your life behaves the way that they do. And you've probably even wondered if it's your fault, or if you are the problem. You're probably looking for answers, a reason, some kind of explanation that will help you understand what is happening. If so, you've come to the right place. Please keep reading.

books on a shelf photographbooks on a shelf photograph

Watch this video to learn about different types of narcissists

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